
Thank you for your interest in covering Le Mans Classic. Applications can be made from now on, only online on this website and until June 30th 2025 at 2pm.

  • The publisher or agency must provide a letter of assignment for each person.
  • If you are a freelance journalist or photographer, you must be sent on assignment by an official media outlet. 
  • The accreditation request must include the letter from the editor and a valid press card.
  • Please attach in "Articles", a complete PDF for all your documents (articles + insurance + Google Analytics).
  • Website: Google Analytics must be included.
  • If you are a content creator, please send us the detailed statistics for your networks. Please note that requests for profiles with fewer than 10,000 subscribers will not be considered. 
  • The professional insurance "mass events" is compulsory for the attribution of the chasuble.
  • Each application must be individual and personalised.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.

An automatic email will be sent to the address provided during the registration process to confirm receipt of your request and to inform you that the request will be processed.

Please make sure your application is fully completed before sending. You are invited to register only once, you cannot return to your application.

This online registration is not a confirmation of accreditation.

Thank you for your cooperation and see you soon.

Fields marked are required

Accreditation details

Personal details

Additional information:

Limited to 1 Mo


Limited to 5 Mo

Compulsory document for the photographers

Please join your 2016 press card if you have one.

One complete pdf of all your documents (articles + Google Analytics) - limited to 5 Mo

Terms and conditions

Please note that those found to break the guidelines will have their accreditation and associated privileges removed immediately by the organiser.

Chart of confidentiality